When It's Time to Call it Quits on Your Marriage

As divorce attorneys, we often hear our clients say they weren’t sure when to accept the marriage was over. Some say they wish they had done so sooner, while some men and women remain in unhappy marriages because they are not sure how they will be perceived by their community, friends, family, or religious organization.

In this blog, our Madison family law attorney discusses the common signs your marriage is over.

When to File Divorce


For the majority of Americans, marriage is a strictly monogamous agreement. If one spouse goes outside of the marriage for sexual or emotional needs, it can often be damaging or ruinous to the marriage. While some choose to stay in the relationship after their spouse cheats, it is completely acceptable to leave your partner if they have broken the promises of your marriage.

If you decide to divorce, then you should consult a Madison divorce lawyer. Divorce attorneys can provide you with advice on what to do next. Furthermore, they can provide you with advice on how your partner’s infidelity could affect your divorce settlement, child custody, and property division.

Economic Infidelity

A spouse can be unfaithful with their passions as well as with their money. Is your spouse addicted to gambling or shopping? Are they secretly charging your joint credit card and hiding the bills from you? Is their economic infidelity threatening the livelihood of your family? If you are living in a marriage like this, then it may be time to consider a divorce. Consider consulting an attorney who can advise you regarding legal strategies to take to protect your assets.

Economic Infidelity in Marriage

Emotional or Physical Abuse

If your husband or wife physically hurt you once, it is bound to happen again. Whether it was a slap, shove, or punch, there are no excuses for someone who hurts you. Many abuse victims blame themselves for their abuse and find it hard to leave because they think their abuse is a fault of their own. Remember, abuse is not always physical, you could be living in an emotionally abusive marriage. Are you unsure if you are in an abusive marriage? The National Domestic Abuse Hotline can help you through their free, anonymous hotline. Our Madison divorce lawyer can help you file a restraining order against your abuser if you feel you or your children are in danger, .

Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse

Living with an addict can be difficult. When you marry someone, you hold the idea of for better or for worse, through sickness and in health in your mind. Choosing to leave a spouse who is addicted to drugs or alcohol can be distressing, but remaining in a marriage with a spouse who may have unpredictable or violent tendencies is not something you should force yourself to do. If you’ve tried Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, rehab, or other solutions to help your spouse heal their addiction and they refuse to make a change, then filing for a divorce is completely valid.

Let the legal team at Balisle Family Law Legal Counsel, S.C., help guide you through the process if you are considering divorce. Living with any of the above situations can be extremely oppressive and emotionally taxing. Our team can help advise you regarding your best legal options and create a simple solution based on your needs.

Give us a call to schedule a consultation today (608) 765-1001!
